Author Archives: Jane Johnson

Ephesians 5:22-33

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Look at other translations.

Read this passage in different Bible translations including the Amplified Bible and the Living Bible to get better insight on Paul’s tone and intention.

Order first things first.

Dig into the keywords with your relationship with Jesus in mind first – how He loves you and the way you respond to His love. Once you get a good grasp on the language in that context, re-read it.

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Ephesians 5:1-21

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Pair the passages.

With the “therefore” of verse one in mind, read this passage alongside Luke 6:27-36. How do the details of one help support the truth of the other?

Dig into the imitating.

Use Blue Letter Bible to dig into the Greek word, mimētēs, for “imitators” (or “followers” in the KJV). Look at each of the six other verses in which the word is used, as well as the root word in which it is found.

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Ephesians 4:25-32

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Pair the passages.

Read this passage alongside Isaiah 7:10-13. How do the details of one help support the truth of the other?

Dig into the letting.

Every “let” phrase in this passage has its own cross-reference (or two). Spend each day this week digging into a different one, letting Scripture explain itself.

The Technicalities

When I was a child, my grandfather had a small, wooden carving of a globe that he perpetually kept on the shelf of his office as a makeshift bookend.

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Ephesians 4:17-24

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Pair the passages.

Read this passage alongside 1 Samuel 18:4-5, Romans 13:11-14, and Colossians 3:9-10. How do the details of one help support the truth of the other?

Do a deep-dive into walking.

Dig into the Greek word Paul uses for “walk” in verse 17. Follow the trail of root words, look at the verses in which it’s used, and note especially the verses in which Paul uses it in this letter (Ephesians 2:2, 10; 4:1, 17; 5:2, 8, 15).

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Ephesians 4:7-16

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Do a paired passage dig.

Read this passage alongside Psalm 68:18 and dig into the Greek and Hebrew linguistics for the words quoted in Ephesians 4:8 to better understand why Paul placed those particular words there in his letter.

Discern the differences.

Dig into the deeper definitions of the various verse 11 giftings to see how they differ and complement each other.

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