Category Archives: Ezra

Ezra 6

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Pair the passages.

With Ezra 6:10, read 1 Timothy 2:1, 2 and Romans 13:1. How do these verses give further insight into Ezra 6:10?

Fill the gaps.

There is a 60-year gap at between Ezra 6 and Ezra 7 in which the book of Esther takes place. Take some time to read those ten chapters before returning to Ezra 7 (or get the summary from the Bible Project).

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Ezra 5:3-17

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Write the narrative.

With Ezra 5:5, compare 2 Chronicles 16:9, Psalm 32:8, 33:18, and 34:15. Then stitch them all together into one powerful narrative about the eye of the Lord and what it means for you.

Read a different translation.

Reading Scripture in different translations allows you to see how various versions have interpreted the original Greek and Hebrew languages in modern English.

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Ezra 5:1-2 + Haggai 1-2

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Get the bigger picture.

The book of Zechariah is also complementary passages to Ezra 5:1 and Haggai 1-2. You can add it to your reading this week or get a quick overview over at The Bible Project.

Write the narrative.

With Ezra 5:5, compare 2 Chronicles 16:9, Psalm 32:8, 33:18, and 34:15. Then stitch them all together into one powerful narrative about the eye of the Lord and what it means for you.

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Ezra 4

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Consider the politics.

Knowing the social and political climate of a certain period of time can also unlock a lot of insight into a passage, and a returning people reclaiming their stolen land is ripe with political tension!

Keep up that timeline.

Research the length of the kingly reigns mentioned in this chapter to give you an idea of the length of time the temple rebuilding project was taking.

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Ezra 3

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Dates matter.

Weeks, months, and seasons are all important details for the context of a passage, often coinciding with festivals and feasts. (Hint: Compare Ezra 3:1 with Leviticus 23:23-43 to find the significance of the timing of this story.)

Keep a timeline.

Pay attention to the date references for the temple rebuilding to note how long the entire process takes in the end.

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