Category Archives: Philippians

Philippians 4:10-23

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Do a word study.

Dig into the Greek word ischuō for Paul’s “I can do” phrase in Philippians 4:13 and see what kind of complete narrative you can form from its uses throughout the New Testament.

Pair the passages.

Read this passage alongside Psalm 131. How do the details of one help support the truth of the other?

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Philippians 4:2-9

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Pair the passages.

Read this entire passage alongside James 5:7-9. How do the details of one help support the truth of the other?

Complete the thought.

Stitch Philippians 4:6 together with Romans 8:26-28. When read together, how does the narrative change, becoming more complete?

The Technicalities

Having addressed the collective church and its overarching goal of the like-minded pursuit of heaven, Paul now turns his attention toward tucking the stray hairs of the individual church members back into place and smoothing them down with the tenderest kind of love and attention.

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Philippians 3:12-4:1

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Dig into the repetition.

Paul uses the word “attained” three times in this passage. Look at the word definitions for each occurrence and see how they help explain Paul’s intention in these verses.

Pair the passages.

Read Philippians 3:18-19 alongside Hosea 4:4-10. How do the details of one help support the truth of the other?

The Technicalities

We left off with Paul in verse 11 of his Philippian letter and his unwavering desire to experience the resurrection that will raise him from death in his earthly body to life with Jesus in his heavenly one.

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Philippians 3:1-11

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Rest in the repetition.

The phrase “confidence in the flesh” is repeated three times in this passage. Dig into the linguistics, word definitions, and surrounding context to discover what Paul means by it.

Pair the passages.

Read this Scripture section alongside Deuteronomy 30:6. How do the details of one help support the truth of the other?

The Technicalities

If you’ve been paying attention to the repeated words in Paul’s letter, you’ve noticed that he’s used the word “rejoice” six times already (and will say it again four more times before he’s finished).

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Philippians 2:19-30

Some Scripture-Digging Tips

Go on a speed date.

Do a character study on both Timothy and Epaphroditus and see what you can learn about them, as well as why Paul was so keen on sending them to the Philippians.

Pair the passages.

Read this Scripture section alongside 1 Samuel 18:1-3. How do the details of one help support the truth of the other, particularly the importance of like-minded partnership when tackling a ministry?

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